Monday, September 21, 2015

today's clothes


HELLO!!! I'm back again and this time we are gonna talk about things like dresses and clothes  in this time, so lets get started shall we. ok  so first off in the picture above we have Kim Kardashian wearing a very very beautiful dress, Now I'm not a really girly girl, I am more into skinny jeans,T-shirts and clothing items like that. But when it comes to something like a special event then I'll dress more presentable.

The clothes most people wear today famous or not are from disco times just less flashy And or less tackie. so basically all clothes, accessories, ect, are all from earth earlier times.

That's it for today, stay fashionable 👑


  1. I love your sendoff, stay fashionable. I also like that you're getting specific. However, my favorite post so far has been the one comparing past clothes to more current ones. Perhaps you could look up dress styles by the decade?

  2. That dress is stunning aliyah nice work -marliayhc

  3. That dress is stunning aliyah nice work -marliayhc

  4. nice work i really like your blog
    also i think most girls prefer jeans and t-shirts
